Heirloom Potato Recipes


This page is linked to the Kenosha Potato Project web pages. See these links for


French Potato Salad

As listed in The Ultimate Potato Book (ISBN 0-06-009675-6) - Please purchase this book if you want all the details - this is a short recap.

The original idea of this recipe is to flavor the potato with chicken. Boil the chicken quarters in a pot until the meat is tender. Remove the chicken and use the pot of water to boil the tubers. When the tubers are almost done add green beans into the boiling water to blanch for 2 minutes.

Cut the tubers in chunks, the chicken meat and the green beans. The dressing is made with 3 table spoon of vinegar, 1 table spoon of mustard, 3 table spoon of fresh terragon. Once the 3 ingredients are wisked together, wisk in 1/2 cup of olive oil. Salt and pepper to taste.

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Cultivar suggestions

Fingerling shaped tubers, like French Fingerling, La Ratte - Corne de Mouton, Russian Banana.


We are interested to link specific potato recipes to specific potato cultivars. We are convinced that many heritage cultivars have been saved because they have been working best to prepare favorite dishes.

How do you select the cultivars that you grow in your garden?

Would you be enticed to try different cultivars if these would make interesting dishes?

We believe that future generations will more likely grow heritage cultivars if we offer records and recipes of best use in the kitchen!

Please email recipes suggestions to: recipes@curzio.com

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