Heirloom Potato Recipes


This page is linked to the Kenosha Potato Project web pages. See these links for


Roesti (correct German spelling: Rösti)

Comfort food side-dish for Swiss citizen. Similar to American Fries (compare the recipies!), instead of slicing the potatoes are grated for Rösti.

This recipe calls for starchy potato which are first parboiled for about 8 - 10 minutes with the jackets (not peeled). Remove the pot from the stove, drain water and cool off the spuds with cold water. Keep the undercooked potatoes in the refrigerator.

You can peel the spuds or use them with the skins. I prefer to use them with the skins because I believe in the additional nutritional value.

When ready to cook, take one / two spuds per person, grate them with box grater, or food processor with grating blade. Add a pinch of salt.

Pre-heat a pan on the stove on medium heat, melt a table spoon of butter and layer the grated potato in the pan for 5 minutes, or until brown. Work with a spatula to prevent sticking and turn on the top side to brown. (skilled chefs may be able turn over on the fly ... you may be safe to turn over with the help of a dish).

This fast potato recipe can be used as a side dish with other vegetables or mushroom to meats. Or served as the main dish covered with fried eggs for breakfast.


Similar recipes to compare:
Cultivar suggestions

Blocky, starchy tubers, like Weisse Lötschentaler, Iopride, Itasca, Snowdrift.


We are interested to link specific potato recipes to specific potato cultivars. We are convinced that many heritage cultivars have been saved because they have been working best to prepare favorite dishes.

How do you select the cultivars that you grow in your garden?

Would you be enticed to try different cultivars if these would make interesting dishes?

We believe that future generations will more likely grow heritage cultivars if we offer records and recipes of best use in the kitchen!

Please email recipes suggestions to: recipes@curzio.com

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