Heirloom Potato Recipes


This page is linked to the Kenosha Potato Project web pages. See these links for


Really Crisp Roasted Potatoes

We credit Francisco J. Robert, Cook's Illustrated Test Cook (www.cooksillustrated.com) for this recipe.

The challenge of roasting potato successfully is a crisp surface, while the interior must be soft and moist.

To ensure perfect results you need to select the correct tuber variety. We are suggesting Blue Goose because of the perfect shape for this recipe ... but we may find better varieties and correct this suggestion in the future.

In order to roast each side evenly, the test cook recommends to slice the tubers in 1/2" disks (not chunks), so that each side can be roasted for about the same time. Therefore an oblong shaped tuber works best. Starch - moisture balance probably makes a difference.

Parboiling the sliced potato disks brings the starch to the surface, which accelerates the crisping process. Starting with cold water, bring to a boil then reduce temperature to simmer for about 5 minutes. The parboiling process is a surface treatment and the core of the disks should still be hard at this point.

In the meantime preheat a baking sheet in the oven at 450 degrees.

Rinse the parboiled potatoes and toss them vigorously in a bowl with a few table spoon of olive oil and sea salt. The process will rough the surface cells and improve the crisping.

Layer the disks on the baking sheet and bake until crisp (15 - 20 minutes), then flip the disks and bake the other side until crisp (10 - 15 minutes). Half time rotating the baking sheet in the oven may help to keep the roasting even.

Salt and pepper to taste and serve immediately.

Find this recipe on CooksIllustrated.com for a more detailed explanation of the science - starch activation that ensures the crisping process, plus why a roughed surface equals to faster evaporation (more crisp).

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Cultivar suggestions

Long shaped tubers, like Blue Goose.


We are interested to link specific potato recipes to specific potato cultivars. We are convinced that many heritage cultivars have been saved because they have been working best to prepare favorite dishes.

How do you select the cultivars that you grow in your garden?

Would you be enticed to try different cultivars if these would make interesting dishes?

We believe that future generations will more likely grow heritage cultivars if we offer records and recipes of best use in the kitchen!

Please email recipes suggestions to: recipes@curzio.com

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