Curzio's Very Fast Recipes!

 (you start eating in less than 30 minutes)

Dear Friends:

Very often at HarborMarket customers ask me what these round spheres are, because most people have never seen "hard-neck" garlic greens. The garlic tops, or garlic scapes are removed at the end of June, early July with the main purpose to give more strength to the garlic bulb.

But if you leave them to grow on the garlic stems till the end of July (just before garlic is harvested)... they will develop into a full sphere of garlic seed.

Depending on the garlic variety, the seed may be very small or very large.

In this newsletter you will learn how I use the fully-grown garlic tops ... a handful for breakfast and one for lunch.
Pasta con semini d'aglio fresco

Pour one table spoon of olive oil in a hot pan and stir fry 2 heads of minced shallots (you can also use two small onions) for about 5 minutes - season with a pinch of salt and a pinch of herbs, add 2 cups of tomato paste and one cup of water. Bring to a boil and simmer the garlic tops on medium flame for about 15 - 20 minutes.

Please be mindful that this ingredient likely has too many fibers for the non-vegetarian's taste. Instead of steaming the whole "flower", detach the little garlic seeds and cook them in your sauce for about 10 minutes (instead of 15 - 20 minutes that are necessary to soften the flower fibers - also adjust the water addition to the thickness of your tomato paste).

In the meantime boil your pasta. For this dish I have selected Vermicelli - a variety of thick spaghetti ... of course from Cocco Pasta (see this page for more info on the best imported pasta you can find). This cut of pasta cooks in 10 minutes at sea level - here in Kenosha it takes a couple minutes longer (always add a few minutes to what the pasta package reads, unless you live on an ocean beach!).

Tossed the drain pasta back in the pan. Mix with the sauce and serve with a couple leaves of fresh basil. Buon Appetito!

Garbage plate with fully-grown garlic tops

A garbage plate is my daily breakfast dish. A breakfast dish for all seasons.

Click here to find out more about it and play the "Guess the Ingredient Game"

On that page you will find out how I prepare my breakfast every morning. Just keep in mind when using fully-grown garlic tops (flowers) that this ingredient needs at least 15 - 20 minutes of simmering to soften the fibers.


Fully-grown garlic tops in the grill

Chicago Restaurant owner and chef, Tony Mantuano, has used the garlic tops in the grill. Just before the meat goes on the grill, a bunch of flowers are thrown over the hot coals to permeate your grilled food with "garlic smoke".

Well, he sent friends to purchase more flowers the following week. Guess must have been a great idea!


Please share your ideas

If you come up with great ideas on how to use the garlic tops ... let me know and I share with the readers of my pages.

Click here to email Curzio


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Looking forward to meet you at the Kenosha HarborMarket this Saturday, or some day.

Your friend will be under the white tent,



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