Curzio's Recipes!


Dear Friends:

Here is a suggestion on how to use eggplant.


In this newsletter you will learn about a healthy snack, or light dinner, with eggplant.


White eggplant

As most garden grown produce this eggplant cannot be compared to store purchased.

We prefer this variety for the shape (works best for slicing and dicing, or roasting) and the texture (not so dense and chewy as the dark purple skin, says our client Marsha Krzyzanowski).


Oven-roasted eggplant

Very fast to prepare. Heat oven at 350F.

Mix bread crumbs, parmesan cheese, and Italian spices. Slice eggplant and damp with olive oil to make bread crumb mix stick.

Lightly coat the cookee sheet with olive oil and place the eggplant in the oven for 15 - 20 minutes.




Eggplant on an open sandwich

Place the eggplant on a slice of Italian bread. Ganish with basil leaves.

As a spin-off recipe Maria suggests to spread goat cheese on the bread and place the eggplant slice on top.

A glass of red wine will complement this open face sandwich.


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